6 Essential Fatigue Facts You Must Know

Fatigue makes you feel extreme weariness and without enough energy, it’s hard to complete even the simple tasks. Unlike drowsiness, the exhaustion feeling does not fade away with rest or sleep. That is why it would be good to seek medical attention from medical experts such as Lawrenceville fatigue specialists at Performance Pain and Sports Medicine. Your provider will help you through a customized and comprehensive evaluation and treatment. However, there are several facts you need to know to help you understand fatigue and know when to seek help. Have a look.
Fatigue and Drowsiness
You might have noted earlier that fatigue is different from drowsiness as it does not go away quickly. However, you can also develop the desire to sleep when you are suffering from fatigue. Generally, fatigue is a feeling of insufficiency of energy and motivation, which can either be mental, physical, or both. Most people suffering from the condition describe it as lack of energy, listless, malaise, exhausted, tired, and weary.
Fatigue is Not Uncommon
Many people complain of having intense fatigue that interferes with living everyday life. Of all the fatigue cases reported, 20-60% of the cases result from a physical cause, while 40-80% of the cases result from mental or emotional causes. However, it is good you understand that fatigue can affect you due to both physical and mental or emotional causes.
Signs Associated with Fatigue
Generally, fatigue is a symptom indicating an underlying cause. Although different people can describe the experience differently, the following are common symptoms of the condition:
- Lack of energy
- Weakness
- Constant exhaustion
- Difficulty concentrating
- Lack of motivation
- Difficulty beginning or completing tasks
Other symptoms that can also be described as part of fatigue include rapid heartbeat, loss of consciousness or fainting, dizziness, and near syncope. The presence of such symptoms can guide your provider to discovering the underlying cause of your complication.
When to Seek Help
It would be good to seek medical attention as soon as you observe any of the fatigue symptoms mentioned earlier. Besides, if you experience fatigue suddenly without physical or mental stress, please contact your provider. Also, if you have drowsiness that is not relieved by adequate sleep, rest, or elimination of the stress factor, it is time to reach out to your doctor. Weakness or fatigue associated with nearly fainting or fainting experiences should be addressed as soon as possible.
Common Causes of Fatigue
There are numerous potential causes of fatigue. They can be metabolic complications such as diabetes, anemia, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, or liver disease. Infectious causes include tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria, influenza, and infectious mononucleosis. Cardiac and pulmonary complications such as coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, asthma, pneumonia, and arrhythmias can also lead to fatigue.
Other causes include some medications, mental health complications, and sleep issues.
Treatment for Fatigue
Please understand that the treatment for your fatigue is dependent on the underlying cause. That is why it would be good to seek medical attention only from experienced and highly qualified providers who can accurately diagnose your condition. Medications, vitamins, antibiotics, and exercise are some of the standard treatment options for the condition. Fortunately, most cases of fatigue respond well to medication treatments. But remember that the key to your treatment is an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of your complication.
If fatigue has taken away your ability to live a quality life, please reach out to Performance Pain and Sports Medicine today for expert medical interventions. The expert care offered by the providers will give you back to your quality of life in the most effective way.