Traumatic Injuries in Dogs- What to Do in Case of an Accident

There can be various factors that can lead to a traumatic injury in your pet dog or dogs in general. In Maple Valley, car accidents are not uncommon, and sometimes, animals can become victims of them, too.
Animal attacks, falls, etc, are other things that can result in traumatic injuries. The level of injuries can differ from one dog to another. Some may get minor bruises, or some may get severe fractures, etc.
In some cases, internal organs can get affected too. Thus, it is essential that you keep an eye on your pet dog when you take them out. There are leash laws, proper training given to dogs, and proper fencing can help keep your pet safe. As a pet owner, you should be aware of these things and take all the necessary precautions to avoid accidents.
Depending upon where the injury is located, the treatment can differ accordingly. In case of any emergency, you should take your dog to an animal hospital in Maple Valley, WA, for prompt treatment.
How can traumatic injuries be treated?
Wherever the injury is located or how severe the traumatic injury is, the treatment will differ. However, if we talk about it in general, there can be wound management; affected limbs might have to be immobilized, or controlling pain can also be there.
If the injury is too severe, then you will probably need to get your dog hospitalized, or surgery might also be needed. Rehabilitation might also be required to recover your dog from any trauma and let them regain their function like before.
What are the different types of traumatic injuries in dogs?
Traumas can be either physical or emotional. It does not necessarily have to be physical only. Any event that is too overwhelming for the dog can result in trauma. The injuries can differ and range from mild to severe.
There are different parts of the body that can be affected by trauma. Abuse, falling from a height, getting into a fight with another animal, accidents occurring in cars, etc., can all result in severe damage.
Lacerations and abrasions:
These are skin injuries that might be seen in dogs as well. If your dog comes in contact with sharp objects or gets into accidents, you are likely to see lacerations or abrasions. Let us briefly discuss lacerations or abrasions:
When there is a cut or tear in the skin, it can be because of a knife, broken glass, etc. Lacerations are going to differ in how severe they are and how deep the cut is. There can be a lot of blood loss or damage that can also be seen in different structures.
When there is friction or rubbing on a rough surface, it can be through vegetation, carpet, etc. It is usually the outer skin that gets damaged, and there is no deep penetration either. Furthermore, abrasions are likely to be less severe, and you are more likely to see infection if left untreated.
What can be the cause of traumatic injury?
There can be various causes of traumatic injuries; it can be an environmental hazard, or some other reason can be there. There are multiple causes of traumatic injuries; let us look at some of them:
Attacks from an animal:
When dogs get into fights with other dogs, they can get injured. They may get into fights with wild animals.
Choking hazards:
If the animal ends up ingesting something inappropriate, they can get injured. It can be a small toy or some other item around the house. It might require emergency care.
Blunt force trauma:
When animals get hit by a swinging door or some other object that might be heavy, it can result in concussions, or, in severe cases, fractures can be there too.
Take your pet to the hospital if the condition is worse and requires emergency care. Traumatic injuries are not to be dealt with on one’s own; they need professional attention.